Pet Shop Boycott

Take a stand against the unnecessary breeding and sale of animals by boycotting all shops that sell live animals.

The pet industry is driven by profit.

Globally, it is a multi-billion dollar industry that is ever increasing. The sale and trade of animals, animal feed, toys, accessories and medical care makes a lot of money!

In the UK, there are over 3,000 ‘pet’ shops, many of which focus solely on the sale of equipment, food and accessories for animal care. There are many, however, that are licensed to sell animals under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) Regulations 2018 - Selling Animals as Pets

Your Choices Matter

Firstly, it is important to never buy animals. Even if you believe you need to save them from an unpleasant situation, by handing over the money, you are paying for that animal to be replaced. It is always best to document and share what you have seen instead.

Secondly, even just buying other animal care products from a shop that sells animals is indirectly supporting the trade of live animals. There are many shops that stock all the essential items that do not also sell animals, so by making the choice to shop there instead you are directly impacting the animal selling trade!